Business Chat Market Size Trends and Forecasts
The business chat market appears to have grown at a high rate in fiscal 2017, with a revenue value of 3.46 billion yen, an increase of 80.2% over the previous year.This growth was fueled by increased demand for communication efficiency and real-time collaboration.
Business chat is being increasingly adopted as a tool for internal communication because it is easier than e-mail and suitable for real-time communication among many people, and is expected to reach 10 billion yen by FY2020.

Percentage of companies that have implemented business chat tools as a company
The survey was conducted by ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation in February 2017 (targeting executives (412 valid responses) working for companies with sales of 10 billion yen or more and 200 or more employees).
The responses to the question of whether the company has officially implemented chat tools or business chat tools are as follows.
- 12.1% "Company-wide" 12.1% "Company-wide" 12.1% "Company-wide
- 16.0% "Partially introduced" 16.0% "Partially introduced
- 71.8% "Have not introduced.

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, "Research Study on Realization of Inclusion through ICT" (2018)
According to a survey on the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) tools compiled by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), 241 TP3T Japanese companies have introduced business chat, far below the US (671 TP3T), the UK (561 TP3T), and Germany (511 TP3T), indicating that many Japanese companies are concerned about security, as is the lack of adoption of cloud computing. The reason for this is that many Japanese companies are concerned about security, as well as the lack of adoption of cloud computing.
See also: Usage of Business ICT Tools
Introduce your business chat tool for free!
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