Version Up Notes
- Please stop scanning with security tools while upgrading.We have confirmed an issue where the video server cannot be started. Also, an exclusion setting is required to not scan the CAMServer folder. Reference) Set Windows Defender not to scan certain files and folders
- Data, settings, and logs will not be lost when upgrading CAMServer. However, if you change the installation location, it will start up as a different environment and will appear to have disappeared. Please note that the installation location is memorized by default, so please do not change it intentionally.
- During the CAMServer upgrade, clients will not be able to use CAMServer functions. Therefore, it is recommended that the upgrade be performed at night when there are few users.
Upgrade procedure
Follow the steps below to upgrade.
1. stop CAMServer already started
- Normal mode・・・Stop from [File] menu Exit
- Windows Service Mode ... stop from win_service/stopSvc.vbs script or from the service's control panel
2.CAMServer Backup
Copy the entire installed CAMServer folder and keep it as a backup.
- The CAMServer folder is below in the standard installation.
- For minor version upgrades, no backup is necessary. For major version upgrades and other major version upgrades, it is recommended to rename the software so that it can be reverted back to the original version if something goes wrong.
Run the installer camserver_setup[version number].exe
Unzip the downloaded zip and run the installer camserver_setup[version number].exe.

- When installed, only the following files are updated to the latest version.
CAMServer ├─sys (former Soviet Union intelligency agency) ├─JRE ├─win_service └──camserver.exe
- In the case of a redundant configuration, it must be updated to all nodes.
4. start CAMServer
- Normal mode・・・・Start up by executing "camserver.exe".
- Windows Service Mode・・・・Start from the service's control panel. Or, after starting camserver.exe, execute CAMServer "Admin Menu" -> "Service" -> "Restart as Service".
Recovery Procedure
Rename the backup folder obtained in "2. CAMServer Backup" to the original name and restart the system to complete recovery.