Market size of videoconferencing and web conferencing/video calling

This article describes the market size of videoconferencing and web conferencing/video calling.

It is no longer unusual to use videoconferencing, web conferencing, or video conferencing when conducting meetings. The services are becoming more diverse and the needs are increasing. What is the size of the market for videoconferencing, web conferencing, and video conferencing?

This section describes the market size of such videoconferencing, web conferencing, and video conferencing. If you are considering implementing videoconferencing, web conferencing, or video conferencing, or if you are researching the market size, please take a look at this page.

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Market size of software-based web conferencing and video calling

The market for web conferencing and videoconferencing is also expanding year by year. 2011, the market size was about 35.4 billion yen. 2013, it exceeded 40 billion yen, and in 2014, it reached 44.74 billion yen, approaching 45 billion yen. 2018, it is expected to exceed 50 billion yen.

The main feature of the forecasted market size of video communication in Japan is that web conferencing and video calls always account for more than 50% of the market, while other items such as microphone speakers and voice conferencing connection services.

The videoconferencing market has grown from about 10 billion yen in 2011 to 14.9 billion yen in 2017. web conferencing is growing at a similar pace to videoconferencing, with a market size of about 9 billion yen in 2011, but 13.8 billion yen in 2017.

In the SI type, Oki Electric Industry ranked first, Japan Media Systems second, and VCUBE third in terms of market share by value, while in the ASP type, VCUBE ranked first, Cisco Systems second, and NTT TechnoCross third. In the ASP type, BuCube is No. 1, Cisco Systems is No. 2, and NTT TechnoCross is No. 3. Along with the growth of the market size, companies are also showing growth.

Market size of stationary videoconferencing

The need for video conferencing is growing every year. As business is conducted in a global marketplace, the need for remote meetings is increasing. Against this backdrop, the market for stationary videoconferencing is growing steadily.

Around 2006, the market size was about 10 billion yen. In Japan, voice conferencing services and videoconferencing (dedicated terminal type) account for 75% of the market, with web conferencing accounting for about 10% of the total.

Since then, the market size has ballooned over the years, with the size of the web conferencing market equal to that of dedicated terminal type videoconferencing. The market size of videoconferencing grew to 20 billion yen that year. In the domestic video conferencing market (dedicated terminal type), top manufacturers such as Polycom and Sony have shifted to HD type products, and as the market expands, web conferencing systems are also undergoing major changes.

The market for videoconferencing, web conferencing, and video conferencing will continue to grow.

We have introduced the market size of videoconferencing, web conferencing and video calling.

The market for videoconferencing, web conferencing, and video conferencing is growing with each passing year. More and more companies have branches and offices not only in urban areas but also in rural areas, and it is not uncommon for them to expand in size and even overseas.

To ensure smooth communication in such situations, it is essential to implement a conferencing system. The market size of videoconferencing, web conferencing, and video conferencing is expected to continue to grow.

With this growth, companies are expected to grow and expand their business further in the future. If you are interested in the market size of conferencing systems, please check back from time to time for trends and developments in videoconferencing and web conferencing.