Business chat etiquette: Ready-to-use example sentences included! Tips for effective communication

Business Chat is an essential means of communication in modern corporate environments. It allows for the quick and efficient exchange of information, which is becoming even more important as remote work and global business activities increase. However, there are unique manners that differ from face-to-face communication, and if not used properly, there is a risk of misunderstandings.

In this article, we will explain in detail everything from basic business chat etiquette to more effective communication techniques. Using practical examples, we will explore how to make the most of business chat and achieve smooth communication in the workplace. We provide useful information for business people of all levels, from beginners to experts.

Next, let's dig into the basic etiquette for business chat.


Basic business chat etiquette

How to greet

The greeting "Thank you for your hard work" in business chats is a common expression in Japanese business culture. This greeting has a strong meaning of recognizing the other person's efforts and achievements and showing respect. Here's how to properly use "Thank you for your hard work" in a business chat.

  1. At the beginning of a conversation
    • By saying "thank you for your hard work" when starting a chat, you show respect and signal the beginning of positive communication.
    • Example: "Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Suzuki. I would like to briefly talk about today's meeting. Could you please give me some time?"
  2. When expressing gratitude
    • ``Thank you for your hard work'' is also used to express gratitude for someone's help or contribution.
    • Example: "Your quick response to the report was really helpful. Thank you for your hard work!"
  3. As a daytime greeting
    • "Thank you for your hard work" is a general greeting that can be used at any time of the day. I especially use it in the afternoon and evening.
    • Example: "Thank you for your hard work. Let me check on the progress of today's work."

Expressing ``Thank you for your hard work'' in this way is very effective as part of polite communication in business chats. It is recommended that you actively use it in appropriate situations to express your respect and gratitude towards the other person.

When and how to respond

Speed of response is an important factor in business chat. However, an immediate response is not always a good idea. While it is important to respond quickly to urgent messages, it is important to take appropriate time to respond to messages that require more consideration. Also, if your reply is delayed, you can reassure the other person by giving a temporary reply such as "I'll reply later."

language and expressions

Business chat requires polite and courteous language. Even if the sentence is short, it is basic to use honorific language. However, it is important to write sentences that are natural and easy to read, rather than using overly harsh expressions. The use of emojis and slang will vary depending on your relationship with the other party and the company culture, but as a general rule, you should use them sparingly. It is also important to use clear and concise language to avoid misunderstandings.

Next, let's take a closer look at effective communication techniques.

effective communication techniques

Expression methods to avoid misunderstandings

In business chat, the way you express yourself is very important to avoid misunderstandings. Below are specific approaches and examples to help prevent misunderstandings.

  1. Be specific
    • Situation: When communicating the deadline for an assignment
    • Common expression: "Please complete this report as soon as possible."
    • Wording to avoid misunderstandings: "Please complete this report by 10 a.m. next Friday (month and day)."
  2. give clear instructions
    • Situation: When requesting a specific task
    • Common expression: "Please update your client list."
    • For clarity: "Please update your client list with up-to-date client information, especially your contact information and recent transactions."
  3. clarify doubts
    • Situation: When asking a question about something that is unclear.
    • Common expression: "Can you tell me more about this plan?"
    • Clear language: "Could you provide specific details about the budget allocation and key milestones for this plan?"
  4. Show expected results
    • Situation: When setting project goals
    • Common expression: "I want this project to be a success."
    • Wording to avoid misunderstandings: "In this project, please aim to increase customer satisfaction by 20% within 3 months. Please develop a specific strategy to achieve this."
  5. express emotions appropriately
    • Status: Feedback to team members
    • Common expression: "Try harder."
    • Wording to avoid misunderstandings: "We recognize your efforts, but would you like more help meeting your project goals?"

By using these expressions, you can minimize misunderstandings in business chats and achieve clearer and more effective communication. The key is to convey specific and clear information and avoid ambiguity.

Use of emojis and reaction icons

The use of emojis and reaction icons in business chats can make communication more intimate and effective. However, it is important to use these elements appropriately. Here's how to use emojis and reaction icons effectively.

  1. Use as an emotional aid
    • It may be difficult to convey emotions and nuances through text-only communication. Emojis help express emotions and attitudes more clearly.
    • Example: “Congratulations on completing your project 😊”
  2. give positive feedback
    • When expressing a positive response, such as agreeing, approving, or thanking someone, reaction icons can be used to convey a positive response while reducing the need for a reply.
    • Example: Add a "👍" reaction to a team member's message.
  3. Avoid excessive use
    • Emojis and reaction icons can look unprofessional if used too much. It is best to use it sparingly, especially in formal business settings.
    • For example: Avoid using emojis in messages about official reports.
  4. Consider your relationship with the other person
    • It's important to adapt your use of emojis and reactions depending on your relationship and company culture. You can use it more freely with close colleagues or a team with a casual atmosphere.
    • Example: To a close colleague: "I'm looking forward to tomorrow's meeting 😄"
  5. Use clearly to avoid misunderstandings
    • Use emojis and reaction icons carefully to avoid misunderstandings. In particular, be careful with emojis that express sarcasm or jokes, as they can be misunderstood.
    • For example: Choose commonly understood emojis over obscure ones.

When using emojis and reaction icons, it's important to always consider the audience and business context to maintain professional communication. When used properly, these elements can make business chats more effective and human.

Points of information sharing

Effective information sharing is essential to the success of business chats. Take advantage of chat and share important information in real time. However, to avoid information overload, it is important to be selective about the information you share and limit it to only the most relevant and important information. In addition, it is effective to share content that tends to be long in a document that summarizes the main points, and only give an overview in chat.

Feedback and response techniques

In business chats, appropriate feedback and responses improve the quality of communication. When giving feedback, it's important to be specific, constructive, and respectful of the other person's feelings. You can also build mutual trust by expressing appreciation and responding to feedback you receive.

Next, we will take a closer look at the application of business chat using practical example sentences.

Application of business chat to learn from example sentences

Example sentences by situation

For effective use of business chat, it is important to have appropriate example sentences depending on the situation. Below are specific scenarios and examples of how to respond to them.

  1. Project start guide
    • situation: Announce new projects to the team.
    • Example sentence: "Thank you everyone for your hard work. A new project will start today. Please check the attached file for an overview of the project and the division of roles. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. With your cooperation, we will make it a success. Let’s do it!”
  2. Request for progress report
    • situation: Ask team members to report on progress.
    • Example sentence: "Team, please submit this week's progress report. By 5pm tomorrow, please report the status of your current tasks and your goals for next week. If you have any particular challenges, please provide specific Please specify what you need assistance with."
  3. Urgent problem report
    • situation: When an urgent problem arises in the project.
    • Example sentence: "Dear team, unfortunately we have encountered an issue with part Let's overcome this difficult situation by responding quickly."
  4. Providing feedback
    • situation: Provide feedback on team members' achievements.
    • Example sentence: "Tanaka-san, last week's presentation was amazing! The data analysis part in particular received high praise from the client. Let's make use of this experience for future projects."
  5. expression of gratitude
    • situation: Thank your team for their efforts and cooperation.
    • Example sentence: "The success of this project is thanks to everyone on the team. I sincerely thank each and every one of you for your contributions. Let's continue to create great results together!"

These example sentences will help you communicate more smoothly in business chats and increase trust and cooperation within your team. It is important to refer to these example sentences and send the appropriate message depending on the situation.

Troubleshooting tips

Appropriate communication is extremely important when dealing with problems in business chat. Below are detailed tips for effective troubleshooting.

  1. Calm and objective reporting
    • When a problem occurs, it is important to calmly and objectively communicate the facts without getting emotional. Explain the specific situation and clearly communicate the facts you currently know.
    • For example: "Sorry for the delay in reporting. Our system experienced a failure this morning. Our technical team is currently investigating the cause. We will update you as soon as we receive further information."
  2. Clarification of cause and effect
    • Clearly communicate the cause of the problem and its possible consequences. This helps them understand the urgency and importance of your response.
    • For example: "This is due to server overload, which is causing online service to be unavailable today. Customer service may be affected."
  3. Sharing response plans
    • Share a specific response plan to resolve the issue and clarify the actions that everyone involved should take. The plan should include who will be responsible, deadlines, and required resources.
    • Example: "Our technical team is currently working on a fix and is aiming to resolve it within 2 hours. Our marketing team will be responsible for notifying customers and will announce a solution within the hour."
  4. Regular updates
    • It may take time to resolve the problem. In the meantime, we will provide regular updates and transparency as the situation changes.
    • Example: "The next update will be at 3 p.m. We will share new information as soon as it becomes available."
  5. Thanking stakeholders and following up
    • After the issue is resolved, thank everyone involved and share future improvements and follow-up plans.
    • Example: "Thanks to your quick response, we were able to resolve the issue. Thank you. We will be holding a review meeting next week to prevent such issues from occurring in the future."

The important thing in business chat when there is a problem is to accurately convey the facts, guide the parties appropriately, and maintain trust. This helps resolve issues quickly and maintains team morale.

Expressing encouragement and gratitude

Expressing encouragement and appreciation in business chats is an important element in boosting workplace morale and promoting team collaboration. Below are some examples and ways to effectively convey encouragement and gratitude.

  1. Gratitude for specific achievements and actions
    • Showing appreciation for someone's specific actions and accomplishments makes them feel like their efforts are recognized.
    • Example: "Mr. Yamada, thank you for completing the report before the deadline. Your prompt response greatly contributed to the smooth progress of the project."
  2. Show support with words of encouragement
    • Words of encouragement to colleagues who are going through difficult times let them know that you have support and keep them motivated.
    • For example: "Mr. Sato, we appreciate your efforts in tackling this difficult task. Please feel free to let us know if there is any way we can help you overcome this difficulty."
  3. Be sure to use positive language
    • When offering encouragement, choose words that are positive and forward-looking, and try to increase the other person's confidence and morale.
    • Example: "Mr. Suzuki's presentations are always great. I'm looking forward to your next presentation!"
  4. celebrate accomplishments
    • Celebrating team and individual accomplishments will encourage others and positively influence future activities.
    • Example: "We were able to achieve our goal with the help of everyone on the team. Great teamwork! Thank you everyone for your hard work."
  5. Recognize individual contributions
    • It's important to recognize the contributions of individuals within your team and communicate their importance.
    • Example: "The success of this project was due to your excellent analytical skills, Nakamura-san. Your expertise provided great value."

By using these expressions, you can effectively convey encouragement and appreciation through business chats, and foster a positive atmosphere within your team. Building such interpersonal relationships is important in the workplace, and active communication is the key to this.


Business chat is an important tool for efficient and effective communication. In this article, we've explained the secrets to making the most of business chats, from basic etiquette to advanced techniques.

  • Basic business chat etiquette So, you learned how to greet someone appropriately, when and how to reply, and how to use and express your words.
  • effective communication techniques In this section, we explored expression methods to avoid misunderstandings, key points for information sharing, and techniques for feedback and response.
  • Application of business chat to learn from example sentences Now, through actual case studies, we have introduced how to use chat appropriately depending on the situation.

Business chat is more than just a means of exchanging information; it also plays an important role in team building and project management. Use this article as a reference to communicate more effectively through business chat and contribute to your success at work.