IP Messenger– category –
What is IP Messenger? How to use it, how it works, and compatible tools
[IP Messenger Overview] What is IP Messenger? IP Messenger is a LAN messenger software created by Keiaki Shiramizu. This is an excellent software that automatically recognizes members in the same network and allows clients to easily exchange information in real time. IP Message... -
Threads can now be displayed even when sending/receiving messages to/from IP Messenger v3.05.42
Message threads can be displayed even when sending/receiving with IP Messenger. Unused temporary files generated by Chat&Messenger are properly deleted to save disk space. If the user name includes a half-width space, the characters after the half-width space are omitted in the log search details field. Troubleshooting... -
Fixed a problem that file transfer from IP Messenger fails. v3.02.27
Resolved the issue where file transfer from IP Messenger fails in v3.02.25 or later. In v3.02.22, a harmless error causes an error dialog to appear. In v3.02.18, v3.02.20, v3.02.21, offline messages with attachments Error when receiving via CAMServer... -
Fixed a display bug when browsing IP Messenger users in "User Info" v2.52.25
Fixed an issue where the following display was broken when viewing IP Messenger users in "User Information". Other minor improvements. With the most recent update, record selection in message storage, schedule list, and sticky note list became unnatural. Fixed the problem.Incidentally, the Up/Down key operation... -
Implemented IP Messenger absence mode v2.50.08
[Function added] You can now freely change the status of your absence mode (absent, in a meeting, out of town, etc.), and you can now use the same functions as IP Messenger in your absence settings. You can set Away mode from the tray menu as follows. Java Web Start allows you to...