You can customize the behavior of CAMServer by editing
Here's how to edit it:
- CAMServer stop
- Edit the CAMServer/cam.ini file
- CAMServer startup
This page applies to the browser version or mobile version, and does not apply to the LAN desktop version.
cam.ini setting items
access log
# HTTPアクセス毎にログを記録
# 任意。上記ログにログイン認証時のEmailを追加(Emailは一部マスクされ記録されます)
Specify the length of the login password
# ログインパスワードの長さを指定 ※ 6以上に設定する必要があります
Number of days to delete messages
# 365日経過したメッセージを自動で削除 (指定が無い場合は10年)
Number of days to remove files attached to messages
# 365日経過したメッセージの添付ファイルを自動で削除
Maximum number of characters in a message
You can specify the maximum number of characters in a sent message. If omitted, the default is 4,000 characters, and each character is counted as one character regardless of case or symbol. The message also includes HTML generated by the system, which is included in the maximum number of characters.
# 送信メッセージの最大文字数
Maximum size of files that can be uploaded
# アップロードファイルのサイズ上限を500MBにする
Disk Capacity Monitoring
By default, the administrator is notified when disk space exceeds 90%. The timing of the notification is at server startup and at 23:00 daily. 80% can be changed in the cam.ini file as follows
# ディスク容量チェックを80%に変更
Changing the Temp File Area
CAMServer may output temporary files to the TEMP file area of the OS. If you need to change the output destination for some reason, you can change it by writing the following in the cam.ini file.
*Please make sure the destination folder exists and you have write permissions before making the change.
# TEMPファイル領域を変更\CAMServer\temp
Link a file path in Microsoft Edge and open it in Windows Explorer
With this setting, UNC file paths in messages become links that open the parent folder in Windows Explorer.
# Microsoft Edge でファイルパスをリンク化し、Windowsエクスプローラーで開く。UNCパスのホスト名を列挙する
To enable it, you need to configure the following:
Add IntranetFileLinksEnabled to the registry (Details)
Create a value under the Edge path in regedit.exe
・Registry path
Name: IntranetFileLinksEnabled
Data: 0x00000001 (1)
The following settings need to be added to the local intranet zone in Internet Options:
- https://{Domain name accessed by CAMServer}
- file://{hostname of shared folder}
Do not display user ID or email
Please enable this setting if you do not want to display your user ID or email address on the screen.
# ユーザIDやEmailを表示しない