Java Find the difference between the number of months between two dates


Java Find the difference between the number of months between two dates

In Java, twoDifference in the number of months of the dateHere is a sample program to find
The sample program supports the case where the date to be compared is a string ( yyyy/MM/dd ), java.util.

Difference in number of monthsThe following is the calculation method for determining

  1. First, the two dates are set to one day.
    Calendar.set(Calendar.DATE, 1).
  2. Next, the two dates are compared repeatedly on a month-by-month basis.
    Add or subtract months one month at a time using Calendar.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1 or -1).
  3. Counts the number of repeated comparisons.

sample source

execution (e.g. program)

◆Example of Execution

public static void main(String[] args) {
    int ret = differenceMonth("2008/6/30", "2008/6/1");
    System.out.println("Result 1 = "+ret);

    ret = differenceMonth("2008/7/1", "2008/6/3");
    System.out.println("result 2 = "+ret);

    ret = differenceMonth("2008/12/20", "2008/6/1");
    System.out.println("result 3 = "+ret);

    ret = differenceMonth("2010/6/20", "2008/6/1");
    System.out.println("result 4 = "+ret);

    ret = differenceMonth("2008/6/1", "2008/7/1");
    System.out.println("result 5 = "+ret);

    ret = differenceMonth("2008/7/1", "2009/7/1");
    System.out.println("result 6 = "+ret); ret = differenceMonth("2008/7/1", "2009/7/1"); ret = differenceMonth("2008/7/1", "2009/7/1")

◆Execution Result

Result 1 = 0
Result 2 = 1
Result 3 = 6
Result 4 = 24
Result 5 = -1
Result 6 = -12

This sample program is a Chat&Messenger "Calendar and scheduling functionsThe actual use of the system is done in the "I'm a fan of this system.